Table of Contents

👇🏽 What is this about?

The second half of the Rewards process begins after data has been exported from Praise and SourceCred.

In short, what need to happen is:

  1. Calculate token allocations
  2. Distribute token rewards
  3. Analyse the praise period data for insights, transparency, treaceability

The general idea is to manage this "second half" of the rewards system process all in one Jupyter notebook. That means:

  1. Bring the quantified praise data and SC data into the notebook as CSV
  2. Make manual adjustments with comments (there seems to be a plugin allowing editing of CSV data)
  3. Calculate the token rewards in a nice looking sheet with explanations, formulas and visualisations. This is where the TEC distribution algorithm lives.
  4. Additional analysis and statistics on separate sheet along with a short quantification text report by the Rewards Committee.

This whole package of notebook, data and edits would live on github and made accessible through or similar service.

And important: each new quantification period a copy of the notebook is made and put in a fresh folder on the repository, allowing you to move back in time and check on older quantifications.

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